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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Here We Go

Day one on trying this particular site/method. Just got the ingredients for my first week. I'm not much of a cooker. Don't like turning the stove on (yes a weird thing for people my age but ever since I was 11 and the fire jumped two burners to my hand I'v been iffy). I also just hate all the time it takes to cook. I don't begin to think of food until Im hungry and by then you just want to eat. On top of that, food MUST taste good. Otherwise I wont eat it. I can try to make myself but I cant do it. I will either grab something else or just not eat at all. Many diets just dont taste good. And I can't dictate what I eat and when. Another big problem is exercise. I don't really get much. Its not that I don't want to. in fact its the opposite. But I don't have money for gym fees. And if I did I wouldn't know what to do when I got there. Unless it was curves. I tried that one day and it was good. But I can't afford it. There's also the time issue. How to make time between working (right now trying to work), school, pets, home life. Im very scatter brained so when I get a moment I love to lounge around. And last but not least, the lack of energy. I don't know why I don't have it. Maybe its the insomnia. Maybe I'm lacking some vitamin or something. I don't know. But I'm always so blah. It's hard for me to be motivated, especially about things I hate and don't want to do at all. So will this work? Who knows. I hope it does. I hope I found something to get it all in order. From what I'v seen the workout portion of this site may not work for me. The good ones consist of buying things that I just can't afford. But maybe it will all pan out. I drop down to my ideal weight which I have pegged at 120 from my current 180 (that no one believes Im that heavy when I tell them anyway lol). And on top of that, I will stay that weight and have tons of energy and motivation. That my life will swing for the better and I will finally be on my way to the rest of my life. I'v never really been skinny. Not the biggest kid originally (I was never the actual biggest) but I guess I was always a little chubby. Hopefully I will "outgrow" that the rest of my life.

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